Christian Citizenship
Honest citizens and good Christians who support those in need.
Our students are challenged to become the Honest Citizens and Good Christians our tradition encourages.
The Gospel calls for us to care for those in need. Our College community supports a number of community initiatives as an outreach to those in need and a way to show kindness to the wider community.
While there is an element of activity around some aspects of fundraising, most of the money raised by our students comes from personal donations from themselves and family members.
This is part of living up to Don Bosco’s challenge of ‘being Honest Citizens and Good Christians’.
As a community we support three main Catholic not-for-profit organisations: Caritas Australia, The Society of St Vincent de Paul, and Salesian Missions Australia.
Prayer and Liturgy
Prayer and Liturgy are an encounter with God and we are invited into a relationship with God through this encounter.
Our students learn about prayer and liturgy and are given many opportunities during their time at the College to experience these in many settings, including the classroom, College community and House gatherings, retreats and reflection days.
Students experience different ways of praying personally and communally, spontaneously and formally and are encouraged to make prayer part of their daily lives.