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STEM MAD Showcase

Recently, six Year 9 students represented our school at the Catholic Education South Australia STEM MAD Showcase, a national initiative aimed at inspiring students to explore STEM fields and use their skills for positive environmental and social impact.

As part of their Digital Technology studies, our students formed two teams to develop games that align with the STEM MAD theme. Addressing the challenge, “How can we, as gaming engineers, design engaging games that promote sustainability to young teenagers?”, each team created a game centered around a distinct UN Global Goal. They meticulously followed the Design Process, which includes Empathy, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test stages, to bring their projects to life.

During the event, students had the opportunity to present their games to a diverse audience, including peers from other Catholic schools, university STEM students, and prominent figures from Catholic Education.

We are proud to announce that the Poliseas team earned 4th place in the competition with their innovative game that highlights the impact of native versus invasive fish species in South Australia’s rivers. Congratulations to all participants for their hard work and impressive presentations!

James Sutton
