Building Stage 4 of our Two Wells Campus has begun
Xavier College is proud and excited to add to the ever-evolving landscape of its Two Wells Campus, with the commencement of works for the new Middle/Senior years building.
Working with Edge Architects, the design and infrastructure of the school buildings will play a crucial role in facilitating effective learning experiences for both middle years and senior students.
The buildings focus on a student-centred approach and will offer flexible learning spaces with the adaptability to accommodate various teaching methodologies and learning styles
that fosters collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking among students.
The specialised facilities will include science laboratories, art studios, maker spaces, a multipurpose area and student hub, where students can explore their interests, conduct experiments, explore the Arts and collaborate on projects under the guidance of skilled educators.
The Two Well Campus continues to go from strength to strength, and heavily relies on the Salesian ethos, meaning there is a focus on holistic education which goes beyond academic achievement to encompass the physical, social, and emotional wellbeing of students. The new development has also prioritised spaces for physical activity, recreation, and relaxation, such as a soccer pitch and external courts which feed into the recently completed gymnasium. Additionally, integrating sustainable design principles, access to natural light, and planned green spaces will enhance the overall health and productivity of students and staff.
Middle and Senior students have diverse interests and career aspirations that require a wide range of academic opportunities. The Two Wells campus will offer a contemporary curriculum that includes not only core subjects but also other learning opportunities to cater to the unique talents and passions of each student.
Janet Coomber
Head of Campus – Two Wells