A school that prepares for life
We focus on being a school that prepares students for life and maximises their potential. In the senior years, students can take the experiences they have gained in the middle years and are able to select subjects to support their chosen pathway, whether that be an avenue to university, a trade, an apprenticeship, full-time employment, or something in between. To ensure students are making informed decisions about their future pathways, a dedicated team of expert educators provide subject counselling for each year of senior schooling.
Senior students also have additional opportunities to develop their leadership skills. Senior students are invited to serve the College community through formal leadership positions at the House and Campus levels. Furthermore, as role models through the Oratory and House system all senior students at Xavier College serve as mentors to their younger peers.
Year 10
Gearing up for SACE
From Year 10, students begin exploring their subject options in readiness for life beyond school. Students pursue their talents, interests and passions through a range of compulsory and elective subjects with a focus on potential pathways. In Year 10, students also begin their South Australian Certificate of Education journey with Religious Education and Exploring Identities and Futures.
Compulsory subjects
In Year 10, all students study the following subjects:
- Religious Education (Stage 1 of SACE)
- Exploring Identities and Futures (Stage 1 of SACE)
- English
- History
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science.
Elective subjects
In addition to compulsory subjects, students choose elective subjects in a range of areas. These may differ across campuses. Electives may include:
- Agriculture
- Arts (Creative Arts, Visual Arts, Drama, Music)
- Civics and Citizenship
- Design and Technology
- Digital Technology
- Economics and Business
- Food and Hospitality
- History
- Italian
- Physical Education
- Psychology.
Year 11
Stage 1
In Year 11, students undertake the bulk of the subjects that contribute to the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Referred to as Stage 1, Year 11 provides students with greater subject choice, allowing them to focus more on their strengths, meet any subject requirements for Year 12, and provide options for post-secondary schooling pathways.
Compulsory subjects include:
- Religious Education (Stage 2 of SACE)
- English (Stage 1 of SACE)
- Mathematics (Stage 1 of SACE)
- Activating Identities and Futures (Stage 2 of SACE).
Further information and elective subject choices are available in the Year 11 Subject Handbook.
Year 12
Stage 2
Year 12 represents the culmination of 13 years of schooling and the beginning of the chapters beyond Xavier College. Known as Stage 2, students in Year 12 select subjects that complete the requirements of the South Australian Certificate of Education, harness their strengths and prepare for entry into their post-secondary schooling pathways.
In Year 12, students are required to study Religious Education.
Students are then free to select four other subjects from a broad range of options to complete their learning. These subjects can be found in the Year 12 Subject Handbook.
South Australian Certificate of Education
In Year 11 and 12, students must meet the State curriculum requirements of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). More information about these requirements is available from the SACE website or from our Subject Handbooks available above.
Our specialist senior school educators work closely with all students to ensure they have chosen a clear pathway to completing the requirements of the SACE while also establishing their personal pathways for the next chapter of their lives away from Xavier College.
Vocational Education Pathways
As part of the completion of the SACE, Xavier College also offers additional vocational education pathways which include a Certificate II in Engineering Pathways and Certificate II in Kitchen Operations. Further VET options are available to be studied external to Xavier College with registered training providers.
Our Future Pathways Coordinator is available to support students to navigate their journey through vocational training.