Reception to Year 6
Booklist and stationery orders are not necessary for primary aged students as items required by your child will be delivered directly to your child’s classroom. A fee for this service has been included in your tuition fee.
Year 7 to Year 12
Stationery is required to be purchased as needed. The increased use of laptop computers in recent years has enabled the College to significantly reduce students’ stationery requirements.
To begin Year 7 and all following years, students will require the following for their core subjects:
- Blue pen
- Red pen
- HB pencil
- Eraser
- Ruler
- Protractor
- 5mm grid graph book
- A4 5-subject notebook (ColourHide)
- Earphones
- Scientific calculator (Year 7 to Year 9)
- Graphics calculator (Year 10 to Year 12, if undertaking a Mathematics subject) (we recommend the Casio FX-CG50 AU or a secondhand Casio FX-CG20 AU)
Elective subjects, Art, Drama, Music and Italian, will rotate over the course of the year. Students and parents/caregivers will be notified at each changeover to check the SEQTA timetable to obtain the following stationery items:
- A4 120-page visual diary (which can be further used in subsequent years)
- A4 48-page feint and staved book (which can be further used in subsequent years)
- A4 20 pocket display book (refillable)
- A4 20 pocket display book (refillable)
Year 7 students and parents/caregivers will be notified of their first elective subject rotation at the Student-Parent-Oratory Teacher (SPOT/SPOC) meeting before the commencement of their timetabled lessons to enable families time to locate or purchase stationery.